This week we will be focusing on bathing or showering – another one that hopefully everyone is partaking in at least once a day!
I thought it would be nice to end this series of exercises with an easier one, however, don’t be fooled into thinking that you generally are in a sate of alert relaxation while you bath or shower. Notice how this activity is often done with great haste and little attention, and for how much of it you are lost in thought. Few people are ever really present in the bath or a shower, but are mostly already in the office, in bed, or on their way out in terms of their headspace. Our bodies, for the most part, clean themselves!
So, this week, appreciate your bathroom time.
Be completely absorbed in the experience by making use of your all your senses:
– smells – soap, mustiness, bath oils, sweat...
- sounds – water running, splashing, sounds filtering in from outside the bathroom, your breathing...
- feelings – warmth, cold, pressure, muscles unwinding, the relative roughness of the sponge against your skin...
- sights – steam, bubbles, your reflection in the tap...
Notice any invading thoughts and watch them dissipate. Notice any emotions that come up and allow them to be and pass.
Take your time. See if you can extend your mindfulness to drying and dressing yourself afterwards.
Having a bath or shower is an amazing experience and a great privilege. Enjoy every minute of it.
By this stage you should find that just by doing these arbitrary daily activities in a state of mindfulness that you are now spending a significant portion of your day in meditation. That is how easy it is to increase your consciousness and bring a sense of peace to your life. Do your best to continue brushing your teeth, doing your dishes, eating and bathing in a state of alert attention. These are just a few activities that I have chosen as I felt that they would apply to everyone, but don’t limit yourself to these – try to extend this awareness to as many areas of your life as you can until your whole life is a living meditation.
Stay clean, stay pure, stay peaceful!